Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I am looking through the window, is winter, snow everywhere, Christmas time...
The semester is almost over. It was a good semester. I read and learned a lot. A special in ProSem class, which required 2 books to read, and of course literature for my ILP project.
I just finished to read "Social intelligence" by Daniel Goleman.
Social Intelligence, it is the new science of human relationship, the ability to read other people's cues and then act on them. Daniel Goleman, says that our brain is designed to make connections with other humans, and that our relationships have a real biological impact; whether it's flirting with the opposite sex or succeeding at work.
Social intelligence means being smart in relationships by being empathetic, or being able to sense what others are feeling and their intentions. It means having the social skills to act on that information.
The author, says that the people with the most social intelligence are those, who are good listeners. We can become a better listener by being motivated and mindful in social situations, instead of just saying what we think, we should stop and listen to the other person, and fine-tune our response to them. One of my New Years resolutions is to become a better listeners, and practice, and practice....!:)